Emv Reader Writer Tan is a software that will allow you to write a EMV Credit/Debit card in order to be use with readers such as TAN Generators,in order for the card to work you will need to write on the card the necessary data in the software interface as you can see in the video,
EMV Reader Writer TAN is using Luhn algorithm,EMV Digital Certificate witch is unique for each costumer and will allow you to write the fallow –
Title,Card Format,Card Type,Pin cod,Account Number,IBAN Number,BIC number,Issue date,expiry date,country,first name,last name,track1,track2 and Track3
EMV Reader Writer Tan is compatible with any EMV Credit/Debit card that use TAN,IT IS COMPATIBLE ONLY WITH OMNIKEY (Any Model) AND IT IS COMPATIBLE ONLY WITH SMART CARDS JCOP24080.